@article{oai:u-hyogo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001672, author = {三宅, 康成 and 山崎, 勇志 and 榎本, 淳 and MIYAKE, Yasunari and YAMAZAKI, Yushi and ENOMOTO, Jun}, journal = {兵庫県立大学環境人間学部研究報告, Research reports}, month = {Feb}, note = {The new entry farmer is expected as a supporter of the regional agriculture. In this research, the present condition and consciousness of new-entry farmer in Hyogo Prefecture were clarified. The data used for analysis was mainly obtained by the questionnaire to 88 cities, towns and villages of Hyogo Prefecture, and interview investigation to 16 new-entry farmers. In order to stabilize agricultural management, the good farming conditions and improving agricultural technology were necessary. It pointed out that cooperation with the organization in connection with agriculture and powerful support of the region were important., 11, KJ00004418528}, pages = {61--68}, title = {新規就農の現状と就農者意識 : 兵庫県を事例として}, volume = {8}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ミヤケ, ヤスナリ and ヤマザキ, ユウシ and エノモト, ジュン} }