@article{oai:u-hyogo.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000056, author = {川村, 教一 and KAWAMURA, Norihito and 矢ケ﨑, 太洋 and YAGASAKI, Taiyo and 中井 淳史 and NAKAI, Atsushi and 佐野 恭平 and SANO, Kyohei and 松原 典孝 and MATSUBARA, Noritaka}, issue = {7}, journal = {地域資源マネジメント研究, Journal of Regional Resource}, month = {Oct}, note = {A geotour was conducted in the Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, to investigate the characteristics and relationship among the geology, porcelain industry, and food culture of the region using a valuable operating potter's stone mine in Japan. The following are the observations and conclusions of the tour. 1) The experience of entering the mine was highly evaluated by participants. 2) The tour focused on the relationship between the topography and geological environment as well as the development of the ceramic industry. 3) An overview of the topography and geology needs to be carefully explained to participants who are from outside the prefecture. The tour structure requires the tour guide to show the historical transition of Izushi-yaki pottery. Moreover, the human resource issues include accompanying a historian as well as hiring and training guide staffs. Key words: geotour, Izushi, porcelain, Izushi-yaki, potter's stone}, pages = {14--28}, title = {ジオツアー「地の恵み,出石焼」:その成果と課題}, year = {2023}, yomi = {カワムラ, ノリヒト and ヤガサキ, タイヨウ and ナカイ, アツシ and サノ, キョウヘイ and マツバラ, ノリタカ} }