@article{oai:u-hyogo.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000164, author = {澤田, 雅浩 and Sawada, Masahiro}, journal = {減災復興学研究, Research of Disaster Resilience and Governance}, month = {Mar}, note = {神戸市中央区港島に立地する9 棟,約700 戸で構成される大規模マンションは,人工島としてのポートアイランドのしまびらき直後に分譲されている.入居は 1982 年以降ではあるが,建物は旧耐震基準で建設されており,1995 年の阪神・淡路大震災では大きな被害を受けなかったものの,将来の地震災害に備えるためには耐震補強工事の必要性が生じている.多くの区分所有者がいるマンションでは,耐震補強工事の実施に際しての合意形成は困難を極める.しかし,全国でも例を見ない規模の工事が2023 年時点で始まっている.本報告ではそのプロセスを整理するとともに,今後同様のマンションで取り組みを進める際のポイントを明らかとする., A large-scale condominium complex consisting of nine buildings and approximately 700 units is located on Port Island, Chuo-ku, Kobe, and was sold immediately after the opening of Port Island as a man-made island. Although occupied since 1982, the buildings were constructed under the old earthquake-proofing standards, and although they were not severely damaged in the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, seismic reinforcement work has become necessary to prepare for future earthquake disasters. In condominiums with many compartmentalized owners, it is extremely difficult to reach a consensus on the implementation of seismic reinforcement work. However, as of 2023, construction work on a scale unprecedented in Japan has begun. In this report, we summarize the process and identify points to be considered in the future when similar projects are undertaken in condominiums.}, pages = {62--66}, title = {大規模マンションにおける耐震補強工事の実現プロセス}, volume = {1}, year = {2024} }