@article{oai:u-hyogo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006742, author = {川村, 教一 and KAWAMURA, Norihito and 岡田, 大爾 and OKADA, Daiji}, issue = {4}, journal = {地域資源マネジメント研究, Journal of Regional Resource Management}, month = {Sep}, note = {This study aims finding subjects and discussing effective disaster reduction education practicing under new high school curriculum. For the purpose, the authors conducted questionnaire survey to high school science and geography teachers regarding objectives of disaster education in each subject. Consequently, they found that the teachers of both subjects hope studying hazards in science class and knowing first cause of disasters related to geomorphology in geography class. Evacuation drills are learnt in the other class such as hours for comprehensive studies period for integrated study. The teachers look for newspaper articles, photos, movies of natural disaster and hazard maps for teaching materials in their classes. These materials are expected to be provided by the River Office of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Since the academic view of disaster prevention learning expected by the officers at the river office differs from that of high school teachers, it is necessary for both parties to discuss the qualities and abilities to be cultivated. Key words: high school teacher, science, geography, questionnaire survey, flood}, pages = {17--29}, title = {高等学校教員の水害に関する教育についての認識:理科および地歴科教員を対象としたアンケート調査結果から}, year = {2022}, yomi = {カワムラ, ノリヒト and オカダ, ダイジ} }